Guilty as charged my Little People's Linen Blog has been a little neglected these past few months! I am terribly sorry, I thought I would fill you in on what I have been doing!
At the beginning for December we decided to take a two week break we left Brisbane and headed to Singapore for a week and then onto a cruise. So the four of us left Little People's Linen and our new puppy Milo behind and went on this fabulous holiday accompanied by parents of course.
Every where we went strangers commented on what a lovely loving family we are. We all had a wonderful time together full of laughs and just having fun together taking in all of Singapore.
Singapore is an amazing place to visit at Christmas time, every single shopping centre, hotel and Streets are decorated with Christmas decorations it is truly beautiful.
We were so shopped out after 7 days that we could not wait to get onto the cruise ship so we could just relax, for 7 days we hardly saw the children they were so busy with their cruise ship activities, the staff were just so friendly and could not do enough for us.
We soon returned home and I had 2 days to recover then it was back to Little People's Linen, Natalie and Carole looked after the shop and customers very well while I was away but it was time to give them a break and work full time up and till Christmas, lucky I did all my shopping in Singapore. Most importantly we had to have our staff christmas party before my ladies parted on their holiday so off we went for dinner then a day spa pedicure and a new pair of shoes all in a night.....there is nothing nicer then spoiling someone it is such a nice feeling.
Whilst we had a wonderful holiday and christmas it all seems a distant memory now, these past weeks in Brisbane has been heart breaking and hard to believe our once green leaf queenslander suburbs are surrounded and under water. I must say that I am so proud to live in this wonderful place, as everyone has pulled together to help.
Our store went under in 1974 but while I was away on holidays the council changed all the drainage on Pembroke Rd, I really think this saved us in the end.
We are running daily auctions on our facebook page to help raise money for some of our LPL customers and friends that have been directly effected by the floods and unfortunetly do not have cover.
I will sign off with some non flood images but some images from our holiday, enjoy and I look forward to posting a little more in 2011

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